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Twin Pack of Face Cloths

Twin Pack of Face Cloths


My face cloths are double-sided, so have multiple uses!


The soft bamboo fabric side, with antibacterial properties, is a great way to not only wipe off products but also apply them.


  • Dampen the cloth, squeeze out the excess, and use this side to apply products like cleanser or toner or even rub in soap! The bamboo is soft and gentle around the eyes or even on baby soft skin... use circular motions and use for your every wash.
  • If you're looking for a scrub without the use of a product, then flip the cloth over, and you have a natural 100% cotton side. Slightly more rough but not harsh.


Gentle enough to be used on a regular basis without stripping layers of skin.

Perfect coming into the warmer weather, after a hot sweating day, to remove that daily grime build up and feel fresh again.

This cotton side is lovely around the neck area, too, for a gentle exfoliation.


These are great for encouraging the children in some self hygiene. My little one feels very mature using her 'grown-up cloth'!


Provided as a pair, so whilst one is being washed, you still have another in use. (Can be popped in with your standard wash cycle) These dry out super quick, too!


As always, these are sealed in biodegradable bags, staying away from the plastics!

  • Materials

    Made with Bamboo and 100% Cotton

  • Packaging:

    Biodegradable, compostable cellophane bag.

  • Contents

    2 Face Cloths

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